Why and in what way are these nuts better than those I usually buy in the store?

Soaked (activated, sprouted) nuts are more digestible and nutritious for the body. In addition, all ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® are in raw quality. This means that they are not treated above 42 ° C, which is the temperature at which the nuts would lose the acquired enzymes. At the same time, they do not contain any preservatives and are free of sugar, gluten and lactose. And the last bonus is that the nuts are still wonderfully crispy, without roasting.

Why should I buy ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® when I can make them at home?

In the same way, you can bake your own sourdough bread at home or, for example, grow tomatoes. ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® are a product for those who know its nutritional value but do not have time to devote 5 days of work to this process. We offer you a ready-made, healthy and nutritious snack, which you will appreciate when being in a hurry for meetings, on a trip and at work.

How long does it take to activate nuts?

About 5 days and every single nut will pass under our hands. First, all nuts must be sprouted or activated, then dried to a maximum of 42° C, then functionally flavored (eg ume vinegar, cinnamon or turmeric) and gently dried again.

What is a holistic flavor?

Holistic or functional flavoring means that we extract the best it has from the food, combine it with another raw material (such as chocolate from unroasted cocoa, herbs, spices, etc.) and these components in the diet will then support the overall health of the body. Thus, by holistic flavoring, we will use the maximum nutritional potential of the given food.

What is the point of soaking and sprouting nuts?

The purpose of soaking and sprouting is to reduce the content of so-called antinutritional substances, which are commonly found in nuts, seeds, cereals and legumes and reduce the nutritional value of some nutrients.

Are ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® suitable for special diets and for children?

Yes, ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® are easily digestible thanks to the process of activation. For different groups of clients and nutritional directions, we recommend:

Low Carb

  • Fermented harmonizing cashews
  • Activated low carb chocoalmonds
  • Activated low carb chocowalnuts
  • Activated raw almonds

Paleo and GAPS

  • Fermented harmonizing cashews
  • Activated raw almonds

For managers and students

  • Activated energizing pistachios
  • Fermented harmonizing cashews
  • Activated low carb chocoalmonds
  • Activated low carb chocowalnuts
  • Activated almonds
  • Activated walnuts full of vitality

For children

  • Activated walnuts full of vitality
  • Fermented harmonizing cashews
  • Activated almonds

What nuts do you use for production?

For the production of ŽIVÉ OŘECHY®, we buy exclusively raw nuts, ie those that have not undergone technological or heat treatment. Only raw nuts can be "revived" and activated. The exception is cashew nuts, which are not available in raw quality. We ferment them in ume vinegar, which is the food with the most alkaline effect during digestion.

Why don't you use ecological or compostable packaging?

We respect our planet and perceive the values ​​and gifts it offers us. But decomposable corn boxes unfortunately do not have sufficient air permeability and ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® would no longer remain crispy. Moreover, unfortunately, the functional collection system that would sort and really compost packaging does not exist yet everywhere. Organic packaging would therefore only make the product more expensive without a meaningful effect. But at least we send all packages in recycled boxes.

Why is the price higher than with conventional nuts?

The process of producing ŽIVÉ OŘECHY® takes 3-5 days depending on the type, size of the nut and the method of flavoring. This is followed by an average of 12 hours of soaking (activation), 72-100 hours of gentle drying in two stages and many hours of manual work from the beginning of the production process to packaging in the bag.